The Placemaking Plan

The Placemaking Plan complements B&NES Council’s Core Strategy by setting out the development aspirations and the planning requirements for the delivery of key development sites and updating and reviewing the planning policies used in the determination of planning applications. It will provide detail to show how development can benefit and enhance local communities.

This document is part of the new Local Plan and allocates land for specific uses, such as housing and employment; and outlines criteria to influence the development of specific sites e.g. relating to design, access requirements, or level of affordable housing.

The Placemaking Plan will:

  • allocate sites for development for housing, employment and other uses to help meet development needs identified in the Core Strategy
  • Review and update the development management policies used in the determination of planning applications
  • facilitate the delivery of key development sites
  • safeguard and enhance the quality and diversity of places in B&NES including the protection of valued assets and identifying opportunities for change; and
  • provide the opportunity to work together with local communities to review Housing Development Boundaries

Each Parish/Town Council has examined the character of their settlement, and where appropriate identified assets to be protected and identified sites for development.

Monkton Combe Character Summary

Bath & North East Somerset Rural Facilities Audit

Green Infrastructure Assessment

Natural and Built Environment Assessment